Our story

Who We Are

We are a family owned business that passionate about coffee. We do love to support our community and help small businesses to grow. Support us to support them. We pride ourselves on pleasing clients with our efficient service and top notch quality. We tailor and customise our coffee cart
to suit your event.

Our Coffee vision - Café vibes!

We believe it is not enough to just bring really great espresso to your event or latte art to the conference room. Buzz was born out of our love for cafes, the whiff of fresh ground coffee, the hissing of the steam wand, the conversations that turn strangers to friends and friends to family. The magic that makes the big moments great. So, breathe deep, sip slow, savour connections and we'll take care of the rest.

We are waiting to serve you!

Or Call 0404546878

Service Location

Byron Shire & Beyond

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